+251 911 283 733 info@ebbaplc.com
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EBBA Technologies PLC

the software experts since 2009

Welcome to the world of ERP, Web Based Applications, Mobile apps and Technology Infrastrucures. We give you a solution for your Technology rquirements, with the lastest state of the art findings. EBBA Technolgies plc develps Enterprise resource planning softwares and offers single-system solutions that integrate processes across the business. These applications allow users to interact within a single interface, share information, and enable cross-functional collaboration. They increase productivity, collaboration, and efficiency. We also provide solutions for IT infrastructure to provide Information technology teams with the structure to efficiently manage all technology and tools used by your company. This is done with the ultimate goal to minimize downtime of products and systems, as well as providing security and scalability.

Web Based Application

Thinking of web based application software that is integrated to your existing system or stand alone application software. We are over 13 years in this business and can deliver you the best web based application software in the highest quality and delivery time.

Mobile Apps

Apple, Android or Windows Apps, even TV Apps can be developed with us for you. Customize as per your requirements and be impressed with our stunning results.

Machine Learning

You can implement Artificial Inteligent to your system and have machine learning solutions and have the best results in computing.


We provide the three deployment options for ERP systems; Cloud-based, on-premise, and a hybrid of the two. Within these options, you can choose from hundreds of types such as finance, supply chain management, and human resource management.

Network and Security

We are one of the leading companies in Ethiopia in Network and Security Solutions, with vast experience in the industry.

Hotel Solutions

From Security Door locks and Card readers to automating the complete hotel infrastructure in a single system for best management of hospitality industry.

Research & Development

We have a team of engineers that are excited in trying anything new. We are always on research and development, with a team that loves new challenges and dedicated in finding a solution for problems.


plus customers


Our experience in the over 13 plus years of experience ranges from IT Support, Networking, Technology infrastructure and supply of technology hardware to providing system solutions including ERP and custom application softwares.

Our respected customers

Before Ebba PLC was found, its sister company Hexagon Computer Systems had a vast experience in the technology industy and built a concrete team, hence bexame the foundation base to the successful cooperation of Ebba PLC. At Ebba plc we support our customers through out their business life, as long as they prefer to work with us. We believe in growing together, with integrity and being a solution for our partners and clients, as their success results in our growth. The following are some our customers and few of previous clients from Hexagon. Thank you for choosing us!